Friday, April 13, 2012

Let The Games Begin

The Real Housewives of Vancouver: Christina Kiesel, Mary Zilba, and Ronnie Seterdahl Negus

 In the season opener of Real Housewives Of Vancouver we get to know a little bit about the main characters. Episode one starts off with a bang and being a Vancouverite myself I was a little bit shocked at who the producers chose to represent my hometown.

The show begins with Jody going on and on about herself and all of the rich women showing off what they've managed to achieve in their lives. Jody invites everyone to an all girls vacation in Whistler to taste recipes from an upcoming cookbook she's publishing. All the girls arrive in style and Jody introduces them to her chef!! I thought she was cooking? The girls then proceed to munch on what little they can in order to not gain any weight. Jody starts bullying the women to eat more and gain some weight.

The little mini vacation starts off with Jody prancing around in her fur and diamonds and ends with her giving "advice" to Mary. She seemed to zero in on her like a cat pouncing on a mouse (or maybe a cougar?). Mary seemed a little bit too meek in my opinion and had issues with standing up for herself. Jody starts telling her she needs therapy and she chooses the wrong men. Perhaps it's Jody that needs therapy. She came off aggressive and I felt like I was watching little children on the playground and Jody was the big, fat bully picking on all the little kids demanding their lunch money. I felt sorry for Mary. Ronnie. who claims to be Marys best friend of 18 years, sat there and smiled. She let this woman rip into her friend and offered her no support. A best friend has your back and Ronnie didn't have hers.

I have mixed feelings about Real Housewives Of Vancouver. On the one hand I'm excited to see the drama that follows but on the other hand I'm a little disappointed at who they chose to represent us. Was that really the best they could do? Hopefully people aren't watching this show thinking we're all like that because the majority of housewives I know can't afford botox and plastic surgery, don't have nannies, a houseboat and a yacht and live on a budget.

Did you miss an episode of Real Housewives Of Vancouver? You can watch full episodes on

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