Friday, April 13, 2012

Oh Bully

The Real Housewives of Vancouver: Christina Kiesel, Ronnie Seterdahl Negus, Reiko MacKenzie, and Mary Zilba

Well the drama continues and actually I think the title of this episode may have been meant for Jody. She's a bully and I feel doesn't represent Canadians at all. Canadians are known for being nice and well mannered and she's none of those things. She continues to pick on the girls and her daughter just sits there and laughs. Her laugh makes me cringe and I don't know if she naturally finds the humor in everything but all she seems to do is laugh. It's rare I hear her say anything. It's just her laughing, the camera goes somewhere else and then comes back to her laughing...annoyingly.

In this episode Christina is turning the dreaded dirty thirty and dirty it was. Her birthday began with her standing all the girls up for little events they had planned leading up to her party. I think they deserved it for the way they were treating her. It shows her getting botox at home with her best friend Kevin Chase, a well known and sought after hairdresser. Her friend who is a party planner decides to plan the party of all parties and invites Jody. Jody proceeds to tell her not to throw a party. Why??

Many guests are waiting at her house to surprise her and nobody is expecting her to show up to her own birthday. Jody is donning a tiara as if she's the star of the party. She seems a little bit uneasy that the attention's not on her. All the girls bought her gag gifts that were meant to be "funny" knowing she wouldn't take it that way. Why do they hate her? Are they jealous? Christine ends up being fashionably late and the drinks start flowing. Jody gets upset after being confronted by Mary who finally stands up for herself and then the real party starts. Christine decides to strip down to her underwear and a puts on  goldigger shirt somebody got her as a gift. Pictures were taken and judging from the previews the girls were forwarded them and didn't take to kindly to her behavior. Maybe Jody will give her some "helpful" advice on the next episode and advise her to get some therapy. I'm not too sure but I can't wait to find out.

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