Friday, April 13, 2012
The Real Housewives of Vancouver Are Blogging
After each episode one of the real housewives will be blogging on Following the very recent third episode Jody talks about why she would rather use natural remedies instead of plastic surgery. It seems that she's the only one on the show that's taken a stand against plastic surgery. The other girls are lining up to get their wrinkles filled via botox. Maybe Jody should figure out how to get her lip zipped naturally. It's not enough we have to hear her brash and brutal insulting opinions on the show but now we have to read her opinion on a blog! She also talks about what she really thinks of Christina and how her lifestyle is so different from the other housewives.
"I love who I am. Plastic surgery is a personal preference. I think that your body is a gift. You're the one person you're going to know the best and I don't want to alter anything. I'm not perfect by any means. My lips are who I am and I don't want to alter that.
"Christina's lifestyle makes her look older than she really is. She really is 30. She's very busy. She thinks that sex is fast food. She's got the golden arches above her bed! She's serving men!
"Ronnie was sensitive in this episode about her drinking. That's because she's just come out of rehab. I feel as though Mary should have been a better friend to her. She wasn't being that supportive because she just kept giving her more booze. It's a volatile friendship. It's one that I don't under-stand. Some people do have those types of friendships - I can't judge it. I don't have friends like that. I do have some friends that think I have issues with chocolate and I appreciate it when they'll tell me, "Don't eat that chocolate - it's not a good idea." Friends do have to babysit each other at times.
"My life is a really busy, active life. I'm an incredible mom. I cook dinner, we travel a ton and belong to all sorts of private clubs. My kids go to private schools. We just have a very different lifestyle than that of Mary, Reiko and Christina. Those are all lifestyles that I can't even relate to - but I can't judge it, right?
"When I'm not mucking around as a mother and wife, I'm full time in my shops. I put in probably a 15-hour day of working. I get up and I have to drive one of my daughters to private school across town and that takes me an hour each way - but it's an education choice. My eldest daughter Mia and I are very very close. She has a big personality like me and we both over-talk each other, which gets us very frustrated. It's a normal tumultuous mother/daughter relationship.
"Regarding Christina saying things against Mia, I really don't know where that came from. Nobody else's children were discussed on the show and I don't know why Mia was targeted by Christina. I don't like it when other people judge my children.
"I would never socialize with people like this outside of the show. I just wouldn't. I'm not being cruel - I'm really busy and by the time my day at work ends, I want to spend the rest of my time with my family or my very few good friends."
"This is great exposure for my charity, Larry Lunch Bucket. We feed the homeless, mentally ill and impoverished in Downtown Eastside's Oppenheimer Park. It really stretches your soul. We're waiting for the government to give us our PAC number so we can start taking donations."
She Should Have Kept Her Clothes On
I'm sure all you Vancouverites are following The Real Housewives Of Vancouver and if not I'm guessing it's because you're slightly embarrassed at who's representing our hometown. On Wednesdays episode just like I predicted Mary and Ronnie's friendship went downhill. It seems that Ronnie and Jody are becoming friends and have left Mary sitting in the dust. Jody, having an opinion on everything, made some brutal remarks about some naughty pictures that were sent out of Christine half dressed at her birthday party. My opinion is Jody needs to keep her thoughts to herself. She thinks everyone needs therapy and acts like she's the Queen of England sitting on her red velvet throne. Someone needs to knock her off her pedestal. Ronnie and Jody seemed to share these opinions and dished the dirt on everyone over lunch. Did anyone notice Jody's fancy slippers she was wearing out in public? It looked like she rolled out of bed and was too lazy to put shoes on or perhaps she thinks she's starting a new trend. My belief is slippers are meant for the bedroom and this fashion don't is up there with men wearing socks with sandals. You would think with all her money she could afford some fancy shoes to wear out with her diamonds and fur.
While watching this episode I think the one thing I could not get over is Jody's relationship with her daughter. The way Jody treats her is unbearable. Her daughter bought a ticket to London and Jody phoned up the airport and cancelled her ticket because she needed help around the store. Who does that? Then her daughter laughs and apologizes to her!!
I'm not sure what I find to be more disappointing. The fact that these women were the best they could find to represent Vancouver or the way these ladies treat each other. Just because you have money doesn't mean you get to act like spoiled brats and treat people poorly. Or does it?
Did you miss an episode of Real Housewives Of Vancouver? You can watch full episodes at
Oh Bully
Well the drama continues and actually I think the title of this episode may have been meant for Jody. She's a bully and I feel doesn't represent Canadians at all. Canadians are known for being nice and well mannered and she's none of those things. She continues to pick on the girls and her daughter just sits there and laughs. Her laugh makes me cringe and I don't know if she naturally finds the humor in everything but all she seems to do is laugh. It's rare I hear her say anything. It's just her laughing, the camera goes somewhere else and then comes back to her laughing...annoyingly.
In this episode Christina is turning the dreaded dirty thirty and dirty it was. Her birthday began with her standing all the girls up for little events they had planned leading up to her party. I think they deserved it for the way they were treating her. It shows her getting botox at home with her best friend Kevin Chase, a well known and sought after hairdresser. Her friend who is a party planner decides to plan the party of all parties and invites Jody. Jody proceeds to tell her not to throw a party. Why??
Many guests are waiting at her house to surprise her and nobody is expecting her to show up to her own birthday. Jody is donning a tiara as if she's the star of the party. She seems a little bit uneasy that the attention's not on her. All the girls bought her gag gifts that were meant to be "funny" knowing she wouldn't take it that way. Why do they hate her? Are they jealous? Christine ends up being fashionably late and the drinks start flowing. Jody gets upset after being confronted by Mary who finally stands up for herself and then the real party starts. Christine decides to strip down to her underwear and a puts on goldigger shirt somebody got her as a gift. Pictures were taken and judging from the previews the girls were forwarded them and didn't take to kindly to her behavior. Maybe Jody will give her some "helpful" advice on the next episode and advise her to get some therapy. I'm not too sure but I can't wait to find out.
Did you miss an episode of Real Housewives Of Vancouver? You can view full episodes on
Let The Games Begin
In the season opener of Real Housewives Of Vancouver we get to know a little bit about the main characters. Episode one starts off with a bang and being a Vancouverite myself I was a little bit shocked at who the producers chose to represent my hometown.
The show begins with Jody going on and on about herself and all of the rich women showing off what they've managed to achieve in their lives. Jody invites everyone to an all girls vacation in Whistler to taste recipes from an upcoming cookbook she's publishing. All the girls arrive in style and Jody introduces them to her chef!! I thought she was cooking? The girls then proceed to munch on what little they can in order to not gain any weight. Jody starts bullying the women to eat more and gain some weight.
The little mini vacation starts off with Jody prancing around in her fur and diamonds and ends with her giving "advice" to Mary. She seemed to zero in on her like a cat pouncing on a mouse (or maybe a cougar?). Mary seemed a little bit too meek in my opinion and had issues with standing up for herself. Jody starts telling her she needs therapy and she chooses the wrong men. Perhaps it's Jody that needs therapy. She came off aggressive and I felt like I was watching little children on the playground and Jody was the big, fat bully picking on all the little kids demanding their lunch money. I felt sorry for Mary. Ronnie. who claims to be Marys best friend of 18 years, sat there and smiled. She let this woman rip into her friend and offered her no support. A best friend has your back and Ronnie didn't have hers.
I have mixed feelings about Real Housewives Of Vancouver. On the one hand I'm excited to see the drama that follows but on the other hand I'm a little disappointed at who they chose to represent us. Was that really the best they could do? Hopefully people aren't watching this show thinking we're all like that because the majority of housewives I know can't afford botox and plastic surgery, don't have nannies, a houseboat and a yacht and live on a budget.
Did you miss an episode of Real Housewives Of Vancouver? You can watch full episodes on
Reiko Mackenzie
"I live life in a fast lane, catch me if you can." Reiko Mackenzie is a Japanese-Canadian bombshell and seems to live life to the fullest. She enjoys mixed martial arts and has a huge garage full of an impressive collection of exotic sports cars. Originally she had dreams of becoming a lawyer having earned her degree at the University Of British Columbia but after having her daughter she decided on staying at home to be a mother and from the looks of the lavish lifestyle she leads she is one of the lucky ones that doesn't have to bust her butt to make a second income to support her family. Her husband is a soft spoken venture capitalist and her mother lives with them as well. She seems like she can hold her own and what I wouldn't give to have just one of her cars instead of the beat up mini van we drive around. All things considered she seems like one of the few that has her head on straight.
Jody Claman
(image from
"Every Queen needs an empire and I built mine from scratch" Jody is a very successful clothing store owner and a self-made business woman. She is a tough, no nonsense mother with a big personality and is brutally honest with whoever she meets. I find her to be one of the more annoying women of the bunch. She is constantly dressing over the top with gaudy jewelry and loud clothes and if the spotlight isn't on her then it's time for her to leave the room. Immediately on the first episode she causes waves in an all girls vacation to Whistler. She bullies Mary and throws insults at her left and right and ruffled a lot of feathers in the short time they were there. She feels she's telling it like it is but I think there's a way to get your point across without hurting peoples feelings. Although I find her personality to be too over the top I will give her lots of credit for what she's done with her career. Jody was a single mother struggling to make ends meet and started her own catering company with only $800 to her name. She started off baking muffins and bake them she did. She made muffins morning, noon, and night and went from making $300 per day to making $50,000 per day. That is inspiration in what is a tough economy. She feels anyone can make something of themselves if they put in the time, effort, heart and soul and I believe she's right.
Christina Kiesel
"Vancouver is a goldmine and I love to go digging." Christina Kiesel looks at life with a very carefree attitude and lives a life of leisure having traveled to 30 countries in the last 4 years alone with her home base being Vancouver. She is twice divorced and left very well provided for and many of the girls turn their noses at the fact that she doesn't have to work and seems to have no problem finding new men or "sugar daddies" as some might call them. Although I honestly do like her personality, the fact that she doesn't let anybody put her down and she seems like a genuinely nice and caring person I'm not sure why they cast her on the show. She's not a housewife!! Then again none of the others seem to really be true housewives either. Christina mainly spends her days with an outspoken and successful hairdresser named Kevin Chase and finds girls to be competitive and backstabbing so she chooses to have very few girlfriends. I think Christina has already seemed to spice things up on the show and seems to be causing a lot of jealousy. Many of the girls refer to her as a goldigger so I'm betting on lots of drama where she's concerned because this is one woman who doesn't back down and has no problem standing up for herself. She let fans know in her first Real Housewives blog, that she will NOT be returning for the second season if renewed because, there is nothing left for her 'character' to tell but we'll have to see if she changes her mind.
Ronnie Seterdahl Negus
"At this stage in my life, I can afford to say it like it is and look good doing it." She owns four houses side-by-side in a prestigious waterfront gated area in Vancouver. Her luxuries include a private jet, a yacht and a Napa Valley vineyard among other things. Ronnie has been happily married to her husband for 10 years and has 4 children as well as a step-daughter that range in age from 5-23 and she volunteers for many charities. She is Marys best friend on Real Housewives of Vancouver but I have a strong feeling their friendship is about to unravel. A best friend in my eyes always has your back and when her friend Mary was being insulted and bullied on an all girls vacation by Jody, Ronnie sat there and smiled. I don't think Mary appreciated not having her friend in her corner when push comes to shove but I guess we'll have to see how that all plays out. Hopefully the next time her friend is being picked on she'll stand up for her.
Mary Zilba
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